I want to welcome all of you to this legal marketing and business development research log, which I’ll update as material comes to hand or as your responses spur me on.
A brief personal note: my name is Chuck Lowry, and I am the Director of Client Relations for ALM Research. My job is to communicate with law firm marketing and business development directors, librarians, financial analysts and planners, and their counterparts in the vendor community, to help fill research and data needs for the business side of the U.S. legal profession. ALM is, of course, the publisher of The American Lawyer, The National Law Journal, Law Firm Inc., Corporate Counsel, IP Law and Business and almost two dozen more national and regional magazines and newspapers centered on the profession.
A recent study by the Patrick Marketing Group (“Trends in Marketing—Autumn 2004”) talked in some detail about new levels of accountability in business marketing. 81% of business marketers surveyed said that they had new accountability expectations and requirements within the past twenty-four months. Indeed, just under 60% of participants indicated that an actual showing of ROI was now expected from their marketing programs.
You can register, by the way, to see a no-cost copy of this report: http://www.pmgdirect.com/reports/.
As we go on, I look forward to sharing with you business development and marketing techniques, tools and resources that we have developed, deplored, admired or heard of. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed, encouraged and taken seriously: [email protected].
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