Editor in chief of Law Technology News Monica Bay has given our recently-published Legal Technology Market Assessment Study a great review on her blog, The Common Scold, though she chastised us for using a passé euphemism for legal technology (“solutions”). We promise not to do that again.
The “LTMAS” Survey was joint project of ALM Research and Cogent Research. Editor Bay terms the results showing that many lawyers are still without the technologies they need “breathtaking.” As the survey found, only 52% of responding attorneys have access to case management software; even fewer - 32% - have access to document management tools, a mere 12% have access to EDD products, and very few - 9% - have access to CRM software. She exhorts vendors to “wake up” and "do a better job of reaching and educating your potential customers.” For a look at the table of contents and information about how to purchase a copy of the “LTMAS” Survey, click here. For information about two more recent surveys about legal technology solutions tools, continue reading below the fold.
Editor Bay also covered the results of the 2007 ILTA Tech Purchasing Poll on her blog recently, with links to the Executive Summary in PDF format. One of the findings was of particular interest—Bay’s magazine Law Technology News topped the favorite legal periodicals list, out of 24 choices. The survey was conducted by ILTA in association with Envision Agency, a marketing agency specializing in the legal industry.
And the 2007 AmLaw Tech Survey report has been published in Law Firm Inc. (more in a separate blog post to come). This is the 12th annual survey of Am Law 200 CIOs and IT directors. The data is now available in the ALM Research Online database for subscribers, and the spreadsheet product containing all the data points from the survey is now available through the ALM Research Store.
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