First of all, the Contracts Prof Blogger, Frank Snyder, publishes updated law school rankings on a weekly based on a “proprietary secret but very exact ratings methodology.” The top three on October 9th: LSU, Boalt Hall, Ohio State. But Southern Cal was No. 1 the previous week, and only No. 6 on the Oct 9th chart, so the secret formula seems to make law school rankings as volatile as stock prices.
Rankings by the Princeton Review use a more traditional methodology—surveys of 37,000 students. The PR publishes, both in book format and on the web, the Best 170 Law Schools and Best 290 Business Schools, but has a variety of other lists and rankings, e.g., Best Professors, Best Career Prospects, Best Classroom Experience, Toughest to Get Into, Most Welcoming of Older Students, and Greatest Opportunity for Women.
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