Legal Business Development Blogger Jim Hasset has put together a succinct list of eight steps for associates to “make the most of your marketing time.” Number one is to review your firm’s policies and expectations. Number two is—well, best to read to read about it from Jim himself. Five steps appears on Part I , and the remaining three appear on Part II.
And, speaking of business development, if your firm has not yet participated in the annual ALM Research Business Development Survey, now is the time to do so. Although the goal for the survey is to track the gradual institutionalization of business development operations and resources in law firms, we have been measuring those benchmarks against traditional marketing and communications efforts. In addition, one section of this study probes firms’ expectations for business development activities of associates and partners, which compensation systems are used to reward business development efforts, how origination credits are awarded, and whether equity status for partners is tied to successful business development efforts.
Participants in the survey receive a free Executive Summary of all the key results, as well as a discount on the full report. Individual firm information is kept completely confidential and used only for benchmarking purposes. To participate in this year’s survey, click here.
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